30. Travelling with kids, GoPro Fusion, MacBook Pro charging, cellular plans on Apple Watch, product launch secrecy, and our predictions on new iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches!
In our thirtieth show we chat about the difficulties of travelling with children and tech, the GoPro Fusion, issues charging the MacBook Pro with Mojave, how cellular works on the Apple Watch, and the secrecy around new product launches. We also talk about our predictions and wishes for the upcoming refreshes of the Apple Watch, iPad, and iPhone.
Behind the mic...

Ben Dodson
Ben is a freelance iOS, watchOS, and tvOS developer who splits his time between client projects and his own apps. He is an avid gamer and posts regular reviews and video game news on his Shy Guys website as well as regular Twitch streaming.

Jason Kneen
Jason is a freelance Titanium Certified Developer working on cross-platform native mobile apps. He regularly speaks at events and meetups and owns a tweeting TARDIS loo...